What's On The Menu?

Here at Village Green Day school, encouraging a balanced and nutritious diet for your child is of utmost importance. If you are interested in reviewing our past and present menus, please scroll to the bottom of this page.

We provide students with snacks during class time. The children often make special snacks for their enjoyment during food units or when appropriate as a learning experience. School snacks are served mid-morning and in the afternoon after their nap or rest period, for children in our Extended Day program. Students enrolled in our School Age Childcare program receive their afternoon snack upon arrival. All snacks and meals are planned according to Virginia State licensing and USDA nutritional guidelines. Menus are sent home each month to all children and are available at the Front Desk and here on this page of our website. If we change our food menu, our new menu will be posted in the front office and here online.

Food may be brought from home for birthday parties, with teacher approval. Food may be brought from home for children with special diets. We make every effort to provide a ‘nut-free’ environment. Parents may not send any nut-related foods to school. As stated in our allergy section, children with a severe food allergy that have an epi-pen must bring all food and snacks from home. The School serves lunch to all preschool Extended Day students with the exception of those students with severe food allergies who require an epi-pen. We know that our parents provide nutritious lunches, but we are required to include the following statement: “Virginia State Standards require that we ensure that every child has a balanced, nutritious lunch. We will substitute nutritious food for non-nutritious food brought from home, if necessary.”



Click below to download the current snack menu.

Click below to download the current lunch menu.